Tuesday, March 10, 2015

My Primary Social Media Outlet

I am not a big fan of social media for personal use. Prior to beginning this class, I had two social media profiles: Instagram and Snapchat. Snapchat is less of a social media presence than it is a means of direct communication, much like text messaging, so as far as social media goes I have to say that I prefer Instagram as my primary outlet.
I do not like social media platforms that allow for long conversations or the posting of thoughtless blurbs. Twitter, of course, limits characters to 140 which cuts down on long conversations but exponentially increases the posting of thoughtless musings. In my experience I have known Facebook to encourage both of these behaviors. For some reason, be it the ease of "sharing" information or the hive mentality that takes over when reading lots of personal stories on one's feed, people just seem to lose all common sense and courtesy when logging into Facebook.
The private messaging and unlimited text space for comments/ wall posts allows people to give as many pieces of their mind as they'd like to share, and the interface of the computer screen seems to offer a feeling of security, encouraging louder and more obnoxious behavior/ opinions.
Instagram does not limit characters in comments but discourages them silently since it is mainly picture based. It has an extremely simple interface that allows me to unfollow and block anyone who bothers me with comments or loud, unsolicited opinions very quickly.
It may seem less than personable, and perhaps a bit harsh, to choose a social media platform based on its ease of blocking users and the amount of content I am likely to have to "put up with" from others, but it has proven to help me maintain better in-person relationships and cut an enormous amount of anger and negativity from my life.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you Frances! This is really well written and honest. I appreciate your apprehension to all the drama on the social networks. Seems to be a growing trend.
